12 Habits that Develop Mental Strength

12 Habits that Develop Mental Strength

Mental strength is often used interchangeably with mental toughness, a term widely used in the world of sports to denote an athlete’s ability to handle difficulties and push themselves to the limits of their endurance. While toughness has its benefits for daily...
4 Steps to Take Control of Unhelpful Thoughts

4 Steps to Take Control of Unhelpful Thoughts

“She never listens to me.” “I should have gone to the gym today.” “My kids are little brats.” “They must think I’m incompetent.” Have you ever found your mind flirting with thoughts like these? Something happens and, like clockwork, they surface unbidden. They’re...
5 Ways to Find Courage in the Midst of Fear

5 Ways to Find Courage in the Midst of Fear

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.Franklin D. Roosevelt How would you define courage? I recently came across a website that highlighted stories of courage from diverse individuals. They...